GFA banner

Our Mission

Global Fundraising Alliance (GFA) provides comprehensive fundraising consulting services for charities in domestic and global markets.

Our Services

We provide comprehensive fundraising services to our clients through:

We offer our clients a self-funding model that will grow the client's donor base. We are committed to working in full cooperation with the client's attorneys, board members, accountants, and staff to fulfill compliance requirements. We strive to maintain a reputation of professional integrity in our business practices; our alliance partners are among the most successful and respected organizations in the world.

Contact Us

To inquire about our services, please contact us at:

Andy Stadler
VP of Latin America

Avenida Rio Branco, 1 - 12º andar
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CEP 20090-003 - Brasil
Tel: 55 21 2588-8193
Fax: 55 21 2588-8099

Para ler esta página em Português, clique aqui.

Contact Us

Andy Stadler
VP of Latin America

Avenida Rio Branco, 1-12º andar
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CEP 20090-003 - Brasil
Tel: 55 21 2588-8193
Fax: 55 21 2588-8099